If an employee has not received the email invitation it is probably due to one of the following reasons:
1. The employee is not included in Organizer. Please open Organizer and search for the employee. If the employee is not included, please send an email to the Ennova Servicedesk, xxx@ennova.com.
2. The email specified for the employee in Organizer is incorrect. Please open Organizer and search for the employee. If the specified email address for the employee is incorrect, select "Edit email" and change the email address. Remember to click "Save". Then click “Resend email” so the invitation will be sent to the new email address. The invitation will be sent within 2 hours.
3. The employee has deleted the invitation by mistake. If so, please open Organizer and search for the employee. Click “Resend email”, and the invitation will be sent to the employee within 2 hours.
4. The email has ended up in the employee's email spam inbox. Please ask the employee to look for the email in their spam inbox.
5. The employee's email inbox is full. Please ask the employee to clean up their email inbox in order for them to be able to receive new emails.