Prior to the data collection you should communicate internally to your organization, so the organization is aware of the upcoming survey.
What to communicate to managers
It is important to communicate to managers that an Employee Engagement survey will be conducted shortly, and it is important that managers support this within their own area of responsibility. Managers can also tell employees that it gives them an opportunity to express their own opinions, helping the team and the organization to continue to grow.
Click here for inspiration about this communication: Internal communication
What to communicate to employees
Tell the employees that an Employee Engagement survey will be conducted shortly, and that it is completely confidential and voluntary. Ennova guarantees that no one from the company will be able to see what an individual employee have answered. Tell the employees that it gives them an opportunity to provide input and feedback about their organization. This can be communicated in a meeting, via email or even by hanging up posters around the organization, so that employees notice and become aware of the survey.
Communication from top management
It is Ennovas recommendation that the top management communicates to the organization about the survey and the importance of participating in the survey.
The top management can tell the organization that it is important that they hear and listen to what employees have to say, so they can ensure alignment and understanding of the company’s goal and strategies.