Color coding

You will find color coding in various places in the reporting (e.g. in the “Result sheet” and in the digital report sections about “Results”, “Heatmap” and “Demographics”).

The purpose of the color coding is to help you to quickly get an overview of the results. More specifically it is intended to help you identify any patterns in the results across your organisation and to help you to quickly identify units that may require special attention.

The red, grey and green colors are defined based on Ennova’s general guide to low, medium and high scores. An index score below 60 is perceived as low and marked with the red color. Scores between 60-74 are marked with a grey color and can be perceived as more average scores that could require attention. Lastly scores of 75 or above are perceived high and marked with a green color.

The color coding should only be seen as a guideline and not a rule book. It is important that you always reflect on and relate the results to the recent circumstances of the organisation: Maybe your organisation recently has gone through layoffs, reorganisation, merges, or other challenges, that might reflect in the results.

The color coding is a fixed part of Ennova's reporting and cannot be changed.