Email invitations

Email invitations are the most used data collection method. Ennova sends out email invitations to the employees when the data collection starts. Reminder emails will be sent during the data collection period to the employees who have not completed the survey. The reminder emails will normally be sent after one week and again 1-2 days before the data collection period ends.

The email invitation and reminder texts are translated into many languages. The texts are available in English in the Teams group under “Files” and cannot be edited. We only need input on the following: company name, survey name, HR contact person and a link to privacy policy.

The link to your privacy policy should contain all relevant information on how your company processes the employees’ personal data.
The link can either be to a specific site on your company’s intranet/SharePoint site or a link to a specific document.

The email invitation and reminder texts are compliant with the GDPR regulations and include the following sections:

  • Purpose of the survey
  • Deadline for completing the survey
  • How to complete the survey
  • Link to survey
  • Contact information
  • Processing personal data and confidentiality information