eNPS stands for Employee Net Promoter Score.
This segmentation is available in reports with >14 responses on the “I would recommend others to seek employment at the company” question.
The Employee Net Promoter segmentation (eNPS) provides insights into the variation in the employee’s view of the company and its reputation.
Calculation method:
The eNPS segmentation can be used to explore the composition of employee types in your organization. The segmentation provides you with the employees’ view of the company and can be useful to compare with the customers and stakeholders view of the company.
The eNPS results include internal and external benchmarking for the individual organisational unit. It is recommended to compare results to these benchmarks and in this way to identify strengths, weaknesses or challenges for the coming period.
The eNPS results provides an indication of the strength of your employer brand and how good ambassadors your employees are. This links directly to recruitment as one of the most important factors for effective recruitment is that employees would recommend the workplace to a friend or acquaintance.
The eNPS score or the Promoter proportion can be used as a strategic focus area for driving a process of strengthening the company's or organizational unit's employer brand. The promoter proportion can also be a good and simple measure for target setting in relation to the employees’ view of the company/unit.