How to create actions

If your organization has chosen the add-on module ‘Actions’ to your survey, you will get access through Ennova Suite. The ‘Actions’ module is used to create action plans which the team have agreed to work on based on the Engagement Survey. You find the ‘Actions’ module as a tab next to the ‘Results’ tab in Ennova Suite.

Press the ‘add action’ button to create an action. Hereafter, follow the few steps and press save. Beware that the person who is responsible for the action will automatically receive a notification email 14 days before deadline and on the day of deadline.

Once the team have worked with the action, and it is completed, you can mark the action as ‘completed’. The action will then go into the count of completed actions on the follow-up page.

See this short video for a walk through on how to create actions and the follow-up page step by step: