When working with Offensive behavior surveys, the questions are of highly sensitive nature to respondents compared to the normal engagement questions. Furthermore the questions are listed as categorical questions (Yes/No/Don’t know) instead of 10-point scale questions as the normal engagement questions. Identifying a response on a two-outcome scale that is reported as proportions is easier than identifying a response on a 10-point scale that is reported as an average.
Minimum Rule
Based on these two facts, we need to have a higher minimum rule than normal. The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) recommends a minimum of 20 responses to report results. Ennova adheres to this recommendation and therefore offensive behavior questions are only present in reports with at least 20 responses.
Rule of difference
The need for strict confidentiality rules also applies also to the difference rule (difference between two reports). The same arguments apply: Single respondent answers are more easily identified when reporting proportions than when reporting averages. Therefore the rule of difference is set to at least 10 responses between two reports, compared to 3 as with normal engagement survey questions.