What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On is a way of increasing the security level for users using Ennova applications, while also improving the user experience at the same time.
It is an add-on to the survey and therefore there will be an additional annual cost for adding Single Sign-On.

It enables you to use your own authentication infrastructure when logging in to Ennova applications, and allows users that are signed in to your company network to have direct access to Ennova applications.
Instead of receiving a login email with a link, users can just sign in directly with their e-mail address and do not have to wait for a login email.
When a user leaves your company they will not be able to access survey results and confidential data as the user needs access to the company email.

How to log in with and without SSO is illustrated in the pictures shown below:

Log in with SSO:

Log in without SSO: